
I am originally from Germany, more specifically a region called Westerwald! From there, I started wandering the world in Germany, Asia and the United State where I am currently pursuing my PhD in computer science. I like to think of myself as a curious person and I enjoy discovering and learning new things. This was one of the main drivers for me to start my PhD because as scientists we get to learn new things every day.

Discovery often comes along with travel and as such I love seeing new places and cultures around the world. One of the my highlights was the chance to live in Shanghai for several months where I learned a lot about Chinese culture and food. The other highlight is certainly the time I’m currently having here in the United States. Recently, I have been enjoying going on hikes a lot so I visited a couple of national parks in the US. It might sound quite boring but my favorite food is a well-made hamburger.

Naturally, one also needs to do things when one is at home. When I’m not in some forest or doing research, I go to the gym. Although I have to admit, that is more of a sometimes thing. More often, I spend my free time playing all sorts of video games.